Getting Rid of Bacne – Causes and Prevention for Back Acne

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Acne can occur on any part of your skin that contains hair follicles. This means that any area of your skin that can grow hair, even if it is just peach fuzz, is capable of developing pimples. Other than your face, the most common area for pimples to develop is the back, which is commonly referred to by suffers as bacne. 

While acne on your back may make you feel uncomfortable, or like you want to hide your skin, more than half of the people who suffer from facial acne also suffer from back acne. Not only does this condition make you want to hide your skin out of fear of being judged, it can also be uncomfortable and painful, especially when your clothing rubs on it. 

Potential Cause of Back Acne 

Acne on your back develops the same way that acne on your face develops. Your pores become clogged with excess dirt, skin, oil, and other debris from your environment. The pore then swells and creates a pimple. At times, one of the main culprits clogging your pores is bacteria. However, this bacterium can get there one of two ways – from your skin, or from your environment. If there is an excessive number of bacteria in your pores, not only can it cause blemishes, it can also cause lesions. 

The primary reason back acne looks so severe is because the blemishes are typically limited to white heads, black heads, and cysts, which all create larger lesions than a basic pimple would. 

While the media may lead you to believe that acne is caused by poor hygiene, there is plenty of evidence showing this is not the case ta all. It is true, poor hygiene can make existing acne worse, but the cause of acne is much more scientific. There are many things that can play into its development, including:

  • Genetics
  • Hormones
  • Environmental allergens
  • Stress

An existing case of acne that is not treated through a stringent hygiene regimen can become worse. However, a hygiene regimen for acne involves much more than just washing your face twice each day. 

Have you ever wondered why your regular acne product doesn’t work on your back acne? While back acne and facial acne may look alike, they are different. The primary ways they are different can be split into two separate explanations. 

Skin on your body is thicker and contains larger pores. Larger pores are more prone to becoming clogged, since they can let in larger particles and more bacteria from our daily lives. 

Our back contains oil-producing glands that are more active than the glands on our faces. This means that the pores on your back have more potential to become clogged by the oils on your skin, and the dirt you meet daily. 

Preventing Back Acne 

There is not a specific, foolproof way to prevent back acne from developing. However, it is possible to maintain the breakout and reduce the appearance of blemishes. 

By following these steps, and following a daily routine, you can minimize breakouts on your back, and reduce the size of blemishes when you do have a breakout. If you have any questions about your skincare routine, or your current skincare regimen is not fighting back against acne, contact your southern California cosmetic dermatology clinic to make an appointment.

– Wear lighter clothing made of cotton, or similar breathable material.  
If you sweat, shower or bathe immediately. This will wash away excess oils and dirt from your skin. If you are not able to shower immediately after exercising or sweating, carry personal cleansing wipes with you to clean the areas you break out most frequently. 

– Do not overuse topical steroid creams unless your doctor ha specifically prescribed them. Excessive use of corticosteroids has been linked to increased acne and undesirable changes in the skin. 

– Avoid using skincare products that are oil based. Every product you put on your skin should be specifically designated as “non-comedogenic,” which means it will not clog your pores and contribute to acne breakouts. 

– Use an over-the-counter product that contains Benzoyl Peroxide while you are in the shower. These products will help reduce inflammation and reduce the amount of bacterial growth on your skin and in your pores. 

By having your condition evaluated by a dermatologist, you may be able to determine the origin of your acne and receive a treatment that works for you long-term.


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