What Is A Tummy Tuck And Who Is A Good Candidate
A tummy tuck is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries on the market. Not only is it widely used by women, but it is also used by many men to get a more defined and sleek mid-section. A tummy tuck is a cosmetic plastic surgery that involves removing excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. A tummy tuck helps to tighten the stomach and abdominal wall. It is a very common procedure that is performed all over the world. Many cosmetic practices offer the procedure so whether you are looking for a tummy tuck columbus oh or anywhere around the United States it is very common.
Who Can Benefit From A Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck is a common procedure among men as well as women. It is a mainly used as a means to tighten loose or sagging skin especially after weight loss. It is also a very important tool that women use after pregnancy when their body is still possibly stretched out and sagging. Pretty much any individual with excess fat or skin around their stomach or abdominal muscles can benefit from a tummy tuck.
Tummy Tuck Procedure
A typical tummy tuck procedure involves individuals getting some general anesthesia which will put the patient to sleep throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make a small or large incision typically around the pubic hairline and navel. The size of the incision will depend on how much fat is being removed. After removing the excess skin and tightening the abdominal muscles the incision is then stitched up and the patient will begin the Aftercare. Depending on how complicated the surgery was patients may be able to leave within just a few hours to one day.
What Are The Requirements For Tummy Tuck
Typically one of the top requirements for a tummy tuck is just being in good general health. Those with no prior medical conditions are the best option. Surgeons may also advise women who plan to get pregnant to wait until after pregnancy to have a tummy tuck. Some other things for individuals to keep in mind before a tummy tuck is to possibly quit smoking, to lose as much weight as they can and to be sure they have good aftercare.
What Is The Aftercare Of A Tummy Tuck
It is important to keep in mind that after a tummy tuck the stomach or abdomen area will be stitched and bandaged. This means it is very important to go slow and take it easy as not to tear the stitching and bandages. Although the surgeon will give the individual detailed instructions on how to care for their tummy tuck there are some general rules to follow. Not smoking is a very important rule to follow as smoking can help delay the healing process. Another thing to keep in mind is to continue eating a well-balanced diet filled with plenty of nutrients which also helps to heal the body faster. It is important to sleep or lie in the position that the surgeon suggest. Typically individuals must avoid lifting or bending for at least six weeks after surgery. The Aftercare is extremely important as it will determine how well your tummy tuck heals and looks in the end. Although a tummy tuck is a great procedure for individuals looking to remove excess skin or tighten their stomach it is important to think of all of the risks and rewards before.